Sunday Mornings


Please join us for in-person Worship on Sunday mornings at 10am. We are delighted to be able to meet together in person after many months of meeting virtually. It is such a joy to be able to meet with each other and catch up. Please stay after Worship for a time of fellowship during “Coffee Hour,” too. We can’t wait to see you and your family!

Sunday School

Children are invited to attend Godly Play which is our Sunday school from 10:20-11:00am. Each Sunday they are invited to be in worship until the children’s moment. After, kids age 2 through 5th grade are dismissed for a time together to engage with the stories of our faith.  (around 10:20). You’ll register and check-in your child on the way into the Sanctuary. Bring this Registration Form with you, or fill it out when you first arrive.  Questions?  Contact


We welcome little ones to stay in worship with their joyful noises, we even have rocking chairs set up in the back just for you.