On Our Feet: Healing Walks and Talks for Racial Justice
Thanks to all who have listened!
We aren’t currently producing new episodes of On Our Feet, but we invite you to listen or re-listen to this project.
About us
Welcome to On Our Feet: Healing Walks and Talks for Racial Justice. This is a ministry of Trinity United Methodist Church, a joyful community of faith in Germantown, Maryland.
The purpose of this podcast is to create space. Space for us to share stories and ideas around racial equity. Space for us to brainstorm ways to walk for peace and act for justice. And space for us to heal.
From the beginning of the century’s-old movement for racial justice and equity, we’ve been walking. From the Montgomery Bus Boycott, to the Black Lives Matter marches. We’ve been walking the road to a better world.
This podcast is intended to merge that walking with the walking we do with Jesus. The mind-clearing walking. The “I just need to think” walking. Walking can help us process difficult subjects. And walking can help us heal from our past and current trauma.
Jesus modeled this kind of walking on the Road to Emmaus. We don’t know all the questions he asked that day while his walking partners thought he was dead. But we do know that while he walked with them, he might have helped them process their grief, and he might have helped them to see the way forward.
Each episode of this podcast, we will guide you into a prayer walk, and then offer a conversation pertaining to racial justice and equity. At the end of each episode, we’ll offer a few reflection questions. Engage them in whatever way makes sense for you – thinking, writing, or discussing with another. The last week of each month, our podcast is dedicated to your stories, reflections, and questions. We want to hear from you.
We invite you to listen and pray while you walk–whether it’s through the woods, around the kitchen, or tracing a prayer labyrinth with your finger. Welcome to this space. Come walk with us, the journey is long.
You can find the podcast in a variety of places:
Anchor or Spotify or Breaker or Google
Stay tuned for more ways to listen.
Episode 1: The Three Mountains
On this episode we explore September’s theme of “Walking” in a conversation with Sami Ascanio on hiking the Appalachian trail and the three mountains of faith, hope, and love.
Episode 2: Protest on Purpose
On today’s episode, we hear from two friends, Cescely and Vinice, as they share about Vinice’s experience of participating in the Black Lives Matter protests after the death of George Floyd. During this episode, we’ll journey with Vinice as she recounts her time participating during these protests.
Episode 3: Get to Know Your Podcast Host
Get to know your podcast host today as we interview Isatu! In today’s episode, we learn a bit about Isatu’s story, from experiencing racial inequities firsthand to the challenges of Zoom school.
Episode 4: The Second Look
Amber and Jerry speak with us about growing up black, “the second look,” and stories of racism yesterday and today.
Episode 5: Working Together
We interviewed the District Superintendent of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, Reverend J.W. Park about racism in the church – both the small and big ways it permeates in the church – and the healing that also occurs through Jesus.